Year 6 Learning Examples
In Year 6 art, we took inspiration from Paul Nash (a painter and photographer during the world wars) and began to understand the impact of tone on painted pictures. Using different brushes, we were able to create a variety of effects and start to utilise the brushes for different purposes.
After completing our guided reading book of Kensuke’s Kingdom, we were fortunate enough to see the animated film at a local cinema. An educational treat, for sure!
Our labelled Christingle diagrams in RE, incorporate the learning and symbolism of these festive ornaments. We then went on to recognise symbolic features within church architecture.
The end of Autumn Term saw us engaging with our WWII day. We were able to assign ourselves a “nickname” understand some war-time slang and attempt to put together a (paper) Anderson shelter. However, by far the greatest activity of the day was most certainly our guest performer, who brought instruments from the era and played some tunes popular at that time. History lessons should always be this engaging!
We have recently demonstrated some exceptional rugby skills in our matches against Queen Edith. As guests to their school, we displayed not only exceptional teamwork and skill, but also wonderful respect. Well done for representing our school so honourably!
We have been looking at circuits in science. With our previous knowledge of materials, we hypothesized which item (paper clip, zipper and wool) would conduct electricity best, and then went on to test other classroom items. Well done for working together!
Peer editing is a skill that year 6’s are becoming more comfortable. At the end of our writing unit, we practiced looking at other classmate’s writing, and being able to make changes that perhaps, they missed. Areas of focus included, spelling, punctuation, grammar, tenses, capitalisation, synonyms and cohesion. Well done – we will have another go later this year.
Our Anti-Bullying Week focus included an activity around words that would demonstrate respect, this year’s focus. We used our computing skills to create one word that could show others our understanding of respect.
Year 6 students eagerly travelled by taxi to Cambridge Rugby Club, Volac Park, for an exciting Tag Rugby tournament. The vast pitches and the buzz of the event added to the excitement. After an alfresco lunch and a dynamic warm-up led by Mr. Evans under the rugby posts, the games kicked off.
The children showcased the skills they had been perfecting in PE; passing, staying in line, and working as a team across multiple high-energy 16 minute matches. The team demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, determination, and proudly followed the school’s values of being safe, ready, and respectful.
Though the sun gave way to rain, it didn’t dampen their spirits. The Year 6 team played with passion, making it all the way to the semi-finals and making the school proud! Fourth place overall.
Year 6 peer mediators work across our KS1 and KS2 playgrounds each lunch time. They help children who are feeling lonely, help children who are hurt to get to first aid and use their mediation training to support friends who have fallen out.
Tableaus for English helped the children to better understand the emotions of the characters in their first unit of work about a family escaping war.
Our first lesson in science was about the properties of light, and how we see objects. The children demonstrated how light travels in a straight line from the light source, to the object and then to our eye so we can see.
We started the year strong, with a good foundation in “safe search engines” in computers. Pair work helped to solidify some ideas.