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Year 6 Learning Examples

Children from Year 5 and Year 6 got to represent Queen Emma at a Rounders tournament hosted at Coleridge College. Well done to all who took part!


Year 6 enjoyed their residential trip to Caythorpe. They had fun trying new things and gaining new experiences.


We have used some manipulatives to help visualise ratios during maths.  Well done for showing some excellent understanding.


The Key Stage 2 football team worked hard at the latest competition held at Coleridge School earlier this term. Well done to those who represented our school with positivity and wonderful teamwork!

We used our computing skills in Year 6 to attach a red nose to our selfies in recognition of Red Nose Day.

The Year 6's have been creating art based around the Easter story and the resurrection.  Here are some of the amazing results!

Queen Emma has been enjoying the French Language resources borrowed from Institute Francais.  The books and games have found their way to the UKS2 classrooms where the students have been enjoying recognising some of the language they have been studying.  Tres Bien!

We had a few visitors to the classroom this week.  We were joined by some secondary school "Language Learners" who organised a lesson based on activities we "like" or "don't like."  It was truly amazing to see how well we responded to these students.  Well done all!

The most memorable visitor was the school mentor dog, Ozzy.  While he was here, we discussed rules and expectations which we demonstrated wonderfully.  Hopefully we will see him again soon! 

In year 6 we have been classifying animals in Science.  We practised some yes/no question formation before producing a branching diagram to help organise animals according to specific characteristics.  Lots of fun!

The children have worked hard on their historical thinking skills and have demonstrated good reasoning and fact finding using evidence, and making comparisons to modern day life. 



The Year Sixes have been looking at inheritance and evolution in science. This board highlights all the learning done in spring 1, and highlights the key features leading to our new learning this half term. Wonderful examples!


In PSHCE this half term, we have been looking at our network of people who are important to us, friendships, changing relationships and what to do in new social situations.  We have discussed each situation, and the students have applied their understanding to their own lives.

Our Environment

In Science the Year Sixes have been enjoying studying evolution and inheritance.  After learning about Wallace and Darwin, we went searching for specimens in our own environment!


The Year Sixes have been focusing on basketball skills in PE.  “Passing” was a key focus for our drills this week; that coupled with fast feet, and we almost forgot about the outside temperatures!


Clay Day was a hit in Autumn 2!  We created clay heads in the style of David Shillinglaw and then painted them. 


Year 6 were enthralled with the last lesson in their light unit. They looked at different coloured filters and saw what colour the new filters changed to. They filled in their own table of results and there were some surprises! Great prediction and interpreting results Year 6.  

Maths Challenge

Our Year 6 team won the Maths Challenge hosted by Coleridge Community College! Congratulations to all who took part. We are very proud of how well you worked together.


Hot seating a character in English allowed us to better understand their action together with various story elements. Tableaus (still poses) from the story “The Journey” by Francesca Sanna embeds some of the finer details, and allows us to include ideas in our own writing. 


We used a practical investigation to help comprehend and then demonstrate how light travels in a straight line. We have used our experiences with reflecting light to create periscopes and have “reflected” on the understood law related to it. 


Here we are showing our skills with manipulatives in maths.