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Year 2 Learning Examples

Today we had a wonderful day dressed in characters from traditional tales. We started the day by learning about what a traditional tale is, and trying to guess the tale from a set of clues. After that - we listened to the story of - ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children had to work in groups to make stick puppets and then show the rest of the class their performance of this tale. We read traditional tale stories to children in Reception and Year One. We also worked in groups to make a house for the Three Little Pigs.  We finished the day by reading an alternative version of a traditional tale; ‘The True Story of The Three Little Pigs’.

Today in Polar Bear Class, we had a visit from Reverend Rob who talked to us about his religion Christianity and trust in his faith. He started by asking us who we trust, such as our parents, teachers and friends, and why – they take care of us, keep us safe and they are always there. Rob then shared with us why he and other Christians trust and follow Jesus. First, he showed us the Bible and shared that it contains stories about Jesus as well as stories from before he was alive that can help Christians to make kind choices. Then he showed us the bread and the challis that the wine is drunk from, explaining that this ‘communion’ means to be together with God and the rest of the church community. Reverend Rob explained that he enjoys attending church because it is an opportunity to be together with others, pray to God and give thanks for good things in the world. The children listened really well and were very respectful of Reverend Rob’s beliefs. They asked lots of questions about the Christian faith including, ‘How did God make people?’, ‘When do you pray?’ and ‘Does Jesus have two dads?’

Year 2 had a brilliant start to the new half term on ‘No Pen’s Day.’ We started the day by doing a circuit exercise challenge outside on the playground (it really woke us up!) Afterwards we tried to solve a really tricky number bond challenge seeing all the ways we could make numerous sums. We really had to persevere and work in a team. What a brilliant start to the half term.

Year 2 and Year 5 had their first ‘Buddy Reading’ session this week. The Year 5 children listened to the Year 2 children read their books and then made comments in their reading records. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their enthusiasm and thoughts on their reading books.

This morning, Year 2 were surprised to find there had been some messages left in our woodland area. We also noticed some blue glitter and small, blue footprints had been left. We made predictions based on who we thought the creature might be who had left these messages here. We will be keeping a look out for more clues in the next few days.

In Science, we have been exploring offspring and life cycles. This week, we looked more closely at the life cycle of a butterfly and the children used resources to create their own life cycle wheels using plates, paper and pasta.