Year 1 Learning Examples
Year 1 children enjoyed listening to the story entitled 'But Martin' and creating actions to retell it. We created story maps and carefully wrote our own versions using adjectives and the conjunction 'and'. We learnt how to use purple pens to proofread. We also had fun sharing our stories with children from the other class!
Year 1 children have enjoyed journeying back in time! We found out about our own families and created a family tree. We also looked at toys we played with as babies and compared them with our toys now. We borrowed old toys from the Museum of Cambridge and enjoyed exploring them. Finally we sorted old and new toys.
Year 1 enjoyed a special ‘show and tell’ session as part of No Pens Day. Each pupil chose a small item to bring to school and tell their peers about it.
Year 1 children have been busy exploring numbers from 0 to 5, odd and even numbers, and comparing using the less than, equal to and greater than expressions. We have used Rekenreks to help us partition numbers and find their bonds. We have been drawing part-whole models and bar models to show number bonds.
Year 1 children really enjoy their daily phonics sessions when we learn new sounds, 'stretch and read', practise writing new spellings and short sentences. We try to add sound buttons too.
Our Phonics sessions are linked to 'Shared Reading' when we read a book as a class, decoding the text and finding out about new vocabulary. We love phonics!
Seahorse Class had fun creating their Leader in Me 7 Habits tree on the classroom door. We discussed the Habits and how we can use them to help us to learn and play at school.