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School Uniform

We feel that uniform enhances the children’s feelings of belonging to and identifying with the school. It is also cheaper to dress children in uniform than to allow them to dress in their own choice of clothes. Uniform also prevents competition between children about the clothes worn. The uniform includes a wide range of items which cater for all budgets and tastes and can be bought through Mapac, our school uniform supplier, or from many high street shops or supermarkets. For those who may prefer to purchase second hand uniform at very low cost, the school does hold a supply of uniform that is ‘pre-loved’. This can be sourced through regular PFSA sales or by speaking to the school office team.  Please note that branded items are not required i.e. the school logo is not compulsory.

If you are facing financial hardship, then please speak with Mrs Jarman, Mrs Holman or Ms Stubbs, who will be happy to talk to you about options.


Our school uniform supplier is Mapac, an established company who have been supplying school uniform since 1955.

Their online ordering service has the following features:

· Parents can order by post or by phone, as well as online

· Their experienced customer advisors will help parents who need advice or want to order by phone

· The website has a good sizing chart to help you order the correctly sized uniform

· The phone lines are open from Monday to Friday 9am -5pm all year round and throughout the Summer holidays

· Delivery times are usually 10-15 working days

· Postage and packaging is free on orders of £50 or more and £3.95 for smaller orders

· Parents can order with friends and for more than one school at a time to qualify for free postage.

Please click to purchase uniform:  Click here for Mapac online

Our required School Uniform is:

Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts

Blue and white checked summer dress (in warmer weather)

Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan

Pale blue polo shirt

Black shoes

White, black or grey socks / tights

Leggings may be worn instead of tights, but not instead of trousers

No jeans please.


General Uniform


Baseball hats with the school logo are available (these are optional). It is advisable for all children to have a hat in school during the warmer, sunny weather to wear when outdoors.


Children are required to wear sensible pair of black shoes or black trainers for playtime and a pair of black indoor shoes (often plimsolls).

P.E. Clothes

An essential part of a child’s education is the provision of opportunities for good physical development. To take part in apparatus work, movement, dance and games the children should wear P.E. clothing. Children need plain black shorts, a white t-shirt. Depending on the weather, children may wear a tracksuit and trainers for outdoor games lessons.


Jewellery may not be worn in school. The only exceptions are watches, studs for pierced ears, and cultural or religious adornments, which must be removed during lessons involving physical exercise. If such items cannot be removed the individual is not prepared in an acceptably safe way and cannot continue as is, so must take part in modified activity. The school will not accept responsibility for removing or storing studs. Long hair should be tied back for PE and DT activities.