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Reception Learning Examples

During the Ozzy's Reception Class sessions this week, the children made Ozzy some treats. They found a recipe, wrote a list of ingredients and then made them with Ozzy keeping a watchful eye as quality control! Different children were chosen to help walk Ozzy on his second lead. After they got to feed him the treats as a reward.

Mentor Dog

Ozzy came into school this week for his first settling in session. He met the whole of Owl Class two at a time. They followed all of the dog mentor rules and enjoyed giving him a stroke and feeding him a treat.


Reception classes have been celebrating Diwali. We have been making rangoli patterns, Diwali cards, making diva lamps out of clay and even had a visit from some of our families that celebrate Diwali. We are excited to share everything we have made with our parents during our Diwali afternoon.

British Values Day

Today we have been learning all about British Values as part of British Values day. We discussed the countries that make up Britain: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and then the children coloured in their own British flags. During snack time, we watching the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and we discussed how the animals did not work together as a team, which is not a very good example. We discussed how we could be better and work as a team to follow our class and school rules to ensure everyone is happy and safe, and therefore follow the rule of law. Finally at the end of the day, we introduced a reading voting station. The children now have to vote for the story they would like to hear at the end of the day, thus practising our democracy value.

Forest school

Reception had a brilliant time exploring our new forest school area.

Fire Service

Thank you to Cambridge Fire Service for visiting our reception children this week. The children have been learning about people that help us.