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Physical Education


At the Queens’ Federation we aim to foster ‘Learning for Life.’

We will provide a rich, relevant and inspirational curriculum that promotes a lifelong love of learning and equips our pupils with the key knowledge and understanding, skills and personal qualities that they will need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum is designed to be relevant to our children and is linked to the context of our school and the local community.

Our Physical Education curriculum is designed to be progressive, developing pupil’s knowledge, skills, understanding and physical competence. It is our intent that all pupils will enjoy being physically active and build positive attitudes and resilience when involved in physical activities. The curriculum promotes the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet and ensures that pupils are aware of the link between physical activity and good mental health. The curriculum also teaches pupils how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of a team, understand fairness and demonstrate good sporting behaviour as an individual participant, a team member and a spectator.


Our curriculum covers a broad range of physical activities. Key knowledge and skills are mapped out across each year group. Unit planning and delivery of the curriculum is supported through the use of the New Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work for Physical Education. This ensures that pupils develop their knowledge of games, dance and gymnastics and athletics (across KS1 and KS2) and (in KS2) outdoor and adventurous activity and swimming progressively. The skills in these areas are developed systematically, building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. Pupils receive two hours of fun and active PE lessons every week.

In addition to Physical Education in curriculum time, we strive to provide opportunities for pupils to access extra-curricular physical activity through a wide range of sporting and active clubs. We also encourage active playtimes through the use of sports and playground leaders. All classes participate in the Daily Mile. Festivals and competitions ensure all of our children have the opportunity to take part in a range of sports both in and outside of school at a competitive or non-competitive level.

We view assessment as a holistic process, which takes place in every lesson through observation of, in questioning and in conversation with pupils and in the production of lesson outcomes. Physical Education assessment criteria set out the key knowledge and skills that a pupil should achieve at the end of each unit of work.


At the Queens’ Federation, pupils will develop a keen interest in Physical Education. They will be able to combine physical skills with fluency and apply them consistently to a broad range of physical activities and sports. Our pupils will understand the importance of and take responsibility for leading a healthy and active life style. They will grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through Physical Education. Pupil outcomes evidence a broad and balanced physical education curriculum and at the end of each year, pupils achieve age related expectations and retain the knowledge and skills learnt from each unit of work.

CSSP Partnership

We have continued to invest in the CSSP partnership, which we use for a range of activities both during the school day and out of school: High quality coaching by specialist coaches are delivered to all classes form years one to six for a series of lessons. Which provides CPD for teachers to develop their knowledge and understanding of teaching PE, as well, as, motivate and enthuses our children taking part.


Learning to swim is an important life skill. We organise lessons for all children in Year 5 and Year 6. These take place during school time and are a part of the school curriculum.

Information For Parents

PE lessons are included in the curriculum and the children actively participate in 2 hours per week of PE lessons. During some PE lessons we have secured additional coaching sessions taught by specialist coaches. The children have previously thoroughly enjoyed these sessions, as well as, accessed quality learning about a range of different sports.

A full PE kit must be worn for all PE activities. Every child requires a PE kit to be left at school until the end of each half term.  Please ensure that your child’s kit is clearly labelled with their name.

All jewellery should be removed before school on PE days.  Staff are not able to remove or help to remove earings.  If your child does not remove them before school please ensure that they can do this themselves.

Mile A Day

As we continue to evaluate and improve physical activity and healthy lifestyles, we have introduced ‘a mile a day’ for all children from year one to year six to take part in during the school day. This is proving to be a great way to provide brain breaks and promote physical activity.

Yearly Overview

Below is a table of Physical Education topics for each year group by term:

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


Fundamentals 1

Dance: Moving



Jumping Jacks


Fundamentals 2




Gymnastics: Points of Contact Games: Fundamentals 1

Gymnastics: Points of Contact Games: Fundamentals 1

Games: Fundamentals 2

Games: Fundamentals 2 Dance: Great Fire of London




Games: Ball Handling Skills

Games: Striking and Fielding Games


Patterns and Pathways

Gymnastics: Patterns and Pathways

Dance: Pirate Dance




Games: Football Dance

Games: Football Dance



Games: Tennis Athletics

Games: Tennis Athletics


Dance: Haka Games: Invasion Games - Football

Dance: ‘On the Moon’
Games: Invasion Games - Football

Gymnastics: Pair Composition Games: Netball

Gymnastics: Pair Composition Games: Netball

OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) during Activities Week




Games: Invasion Games –Tag Rugby

Games: Invasion Games –Tag Rugby

Gymnastics: Body Symmetry Games: Invasion Games - Hockey

Gymnastics: Body Symmetry Games: Invasion Games - Hockey

Athletics Games: Multi- Skills Games Festival

Athletics Swimming OAA

Learning Examples

We have recently demonstrated some exceptional rugby skills in our matches against Queen Edith.  As guests to their school, we displayed not only exceptional teamwork and skill, but also wonderful respect.  Well done for representing our school so honourably!

Year 6 students eagerly travelled by taxi to Cambridge Rugby Club, Volac Park, for an exciting Tag Rugby tournament. The vast pitches and the buzz of the event added to the excitement. After an alfresco lunch and a dynamic warm-up led by Mr. Evans under the rugby posts, the games kicked off.

The children showcased the skills they had been perfecting in PE; passing, staying in line, and working as a team across multiple high-energy 16 minute matches. The team demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, determination, and proudly followed the school’s values of being safe, ready, and respectful.

Though the sun gave way to rain, it didn’t dampen their spirits. The Year 6 team played with passion, making it all the way to the semi-finals and making the school proud! Fourth place overall. 

Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 got to represent Queen Emma at a Rounders tournament hosted at Coleridge College. Well done to all who took part!

The Foxes children have had a wonderful Sports Week, joining in with different activities each day, from rolling hoops down the slope, throwing and catching beanbags, to creating a whole class obstacle course in the garden. They have also taken part in the Daily Mile, running around the course in our playground, enjoyed Cosmic Yoga and lots of dancing too.

Children from Toucan and Macaw Class recently participated in an exciting Mini Olympics event alongside five other schools. Hosted by the pupils from Coleridge Secondary School, the afternoon was filled with various athletic challenges including long jump, hurdles, a hula hoop and sack race, and a combined race. Additionally, students enjoyed fun games like stuck in the mud, rock paper scissors it, and football. Our young athletes demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the event, impressing the hosts with their politeness, respect, and cooperation. Despite the hot weather, they showed great enthusiasm and resilience, engaging in plenty of exercise and making our school proud.

A group of Year 5 children took part in the Quadkids Athletics event at the University Sports Ground, Wilberforce Road. They all had fun competing with other local schools in the 75m sprint, 600m run, long jump and vortex howler throw, winning several medals.


On Tuesday 1st May, ten children from Year 2 attended the Friendship Games at Coleridge Community College. They took part in a range of activities including running, throwing, jumping and climbing. Everyone had a fabulous time and enjoyed learning new skills. They worked hard to improve on their scores and were very successful. Well done to all who attended!

The Key Stage 2 football team worked hard at the latest competition held at Coleridge School earlier this term. Well done to those who represented our school with positivity and wonderful teamwork!

Ozzy came ready for our Sports Week this week! He wore his 'Smith 10' bandana to show the children that he was supporting England in the euros. He really enjoys watching the football, he wore his bandana on Sunday night and England won so we think he might be a Queen Emma and the England teams lucky charm!