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Nursery Learning Examples

The Foxes children have had a wonderful Sports Week, joining in with different activities each day, from rolling hoops down the slope, throwing and catching beanbags, to creating a whole class obstacle course in the garden. They have also taken part in the Daily Mile, running around the course in our playground, enjoyed Cosmic Yoga and lots of dancing too.

In Foxes, the children are having a wonderful time doing Christmas crafts, making a range of things from glittery snowflakes to snowmen, from Christmas trees to shiny baubles. They have used their fine motor skills well and focused to produce some amazing creations.

In Foxes, we celebrated British Values Day by thinking about how to use our kind and helpful hands. The children demonstrated this in many ways including helping each other open their snack, tidying up together, doing puzzles and looking after our things. Fantastic kind and helping hands, Foxes!

The Foxes have had a busy start to the year, getting to know their new room and learning new routines. They have been exploring the environment, discovering new resources and having fun getting to know some new friends. The children have settled in brilliantly and are all really happy coming into Foxes. We are very proud of this fantastic start to the year!