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At the Queens’ Federation we aim to foster ‘Learning for Life.’

We will provide a rich, relevant and inspirational curriculum that promotes a lifelong love of learning and equips our pupils with the key knowledge and understanding, skills and personal qualities that they will need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum is designed to be relevant to our children and is linked to the context of our school and the local community.

At the Queens’ Federation, our aim is to provide a music curriculum which will enable each pupil to reach their full potential in music. All pupils will have access to and will be encouraged to develop an enjoyment of music. Pupils will be encouraged to express their ideas and feelings through music and develop their awareness and understanding of musical dimensions through singing, composing, analysing and evaluating a wide variety of music. Music will also provide opportunities to develop teamwork skills and to perform in front of an audience both within and outside of school.


In KS1 and KS2, our music curriculum is centered around ‘Charanga,’ a music based scheme. The scheme supports the teaching of the key elements of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, structure and texture) and provides pupils with a language of music. This enables them to analyse and evaluate music and experiment with, create and select sounds using the interrelated elements of music. Pupils sing a wide variety of music, listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality recorded music and have the opportunity to learn musical instruments. Key musical skills are also incorporated into weekly singing assemblies, performances both within and outside of school, the learning of instruments and participation in extra-curricular musical ensembles. All of these opportunities enable pupils to develop their understanding of the significance of music and it place in the wider world.

We view assessment as a holistic process, which takes place in every lesson through observation of, in questioning and in conversation with pupils and in the production of written outcomes. Music assessment criteria set out the key knowledge and skills that a pupil should achieve at the end of each unit of work.


Our pupils will leave the Queens’ Federation with an awareness of different musical traditions, styles and genres. Pupils will be able to enjoy music either as a listener, creator or performer. They will be able to sing and demonstrate their musical skills and knowledge and are in a position to further develop their skills as they move into Key Stage 3. Pupil outcomes evidence a broad and balanced music curriculum and at the end of each year, pupils achieve age related expectations and retain the knowledge and skills learnt from each unit of work.

Music Development Plan Summary

Please find below our music development plan containing information to understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.

Music Development Plan Summary

Yearly Overview

  Autumn Spring Summer
Y1 Long and short sounds. Christmas Concert.  Pulse. Pitch. Pitch.
Y2 Exploring duration. Exploring pulse and rhythm (ocarina and glockenspiel). Exploring timbre. Tempo and dynamics. Exploring instruments and symbols. Exploring sounds, timbre of different materials (ocarina and glockenspiel).
Y3 Recorders. Recordings Composition. Sea shanties. Recorders.
Y4 Recorders. Rhythmic patterns. Composing raps. Melodies and scales. Recorders. Descriptive sounds. Listening and understanding.
Y5 Recorders. Listening and understanding Music. Glockenspiels. Beats. African drumming. Egyptian music.
Y6 Swing and big band music. Song cycle performance. Ukuleles and glockenspiels. Beat. Tuned instruments, ukulele and glockenspiels. Performing.


KS2 children may be involved in a Middle Years and Later Years choir. Children develop their understanding of musical notation and part singing. They are encouraged to develop their confidence through singing together, helping in music assemblies and performing to an audience.

In previous years, Queen Emma has been involved in Singfest, which enables choirs from different schools to have an opportunity to learn about and perform opera, as well as other genres of music. In the Autumn term, two professional opera singers visited the school and performed to and with the children to inspire them. So far, they have taken part in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and more recently, ‘Orpheus and Eurydice.’

Additional Lessons

There are currently opportunities for children to learn piano and violin, through additional lessons. Please see the ‘Clubs’ area of the website for contact details of the relevant teachers.

Examples Of Learning

In Music, Year 5 have been investigating sea shanties. After listening to ‘The Drunken Sailor Mash-Up’ by Nathan Evans, we created our own vocal arrangement of ‘What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor?’ We added a sung descant ostinato pattern, a sung bass ostinato pattern, split into 2 parts to the sing the song and add body percussion pulse and rhythm patterns. What an amazing arrangement!


A song for Queen Emma

In June 2022 the Year 6 children at Queen Emma worked with a folk music band called ‘The Young ‘uns’ to write and compose their own school song.  This involved the children researching their local history and area and devising verses and choruses to reflect this.  They based their rhythm and timbre upon the principles of old sea shanties and used the experience of the ‘Young’uns’ to inspire their creativity.  Below you are able to hear their song that will remain a legacy at Queen Emma.  We hope that you enjoy listening to it and are encouraged to sing along: