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Forest School

Seahorse Class had a great time in the forest school area creating butterflies using natural resources such as grass, sticks and flowers. We had to make sure that our butterflies had symmetrical patterns, which we actually found quite challenging. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon in the sunshine!

Every Class got to enjoy time outside as part of Outdoor Learning Day. Many chose to make use of our forest school area.


Seahorse Class had a brilliant time in our first forest school session. We explored all the resources in the area including the fire pit, den building area, tyre swing and the most popular was the rope bridge. We can’t wait to do more learning there.

In Year 5, we have time exploring the Woodland Explorer's area through weekly sessions. The children have loved making dens and exploring!

Reception had a brilliant time exploring our new forest school area.

Here is the start of our new Forest school area created by Miss Coston and her family. Thank you to our PSFA for allowing us to use some of the money raised at the Summer Fair for our new school fence that was kindly bought and delivered by Travis Perkins in Cambridge. Alongside the fence, they also donated us 2 bags of mulch, a picnic bench and 2 wooden posts which have become our tyre rope swing.

Tour the Forest School here.