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Extended Care

At Queen Emma Primary School we offer extended care provision in term time and during school holidays. Our provision is available for children currently attending Nursery, Reception and Year 1 only. All provision takes place in our Nursery classrooms where there is access to toilets, a kitchen and outside play facilities. Extended Care is staffed by qualified and experienced Queen Emma staff who work in school during the school day. Application forms can be found at the bottom of this page.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am to 8.45am. Children can select from a choice of toast, spreads and cereals and then are supervised whilst playing with a wide range of toys and activities in the Nursery setting. Children are then escorted to their classroom by a member of Breakfast Club staff. Children enter Breakfast Club through the large black playground gate and then through the Nursery outside area.

Breakfast Club currently costs £6.70 per session. (Cubs)

Breakfast Club currently costs £6.50 per session. (Foxes)

After School Club

After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 6.00pm. Children are provided with a fruit snack on arrival. If children are staying for the whole session, tea, which is prepared by our school kitchen staff, is served at approximately 4.45pm. At the end of the school day, children are collected from their classrooms and escorted to After School Club by the After School Club staff. Children are picked up by their parents from the Nursery outside area.

After School Club currently costs £6.50 (Cubs)/ £6.70 (Foxes) a session for 3.30pm to 4.30pm or £16.75 + £2.50  (Cubs)/ £16.25 + £2.50 meal cost (Foxes) meal cost a session for 3.30pm to 6.00pm.

Holiday Club

Queen Emma Primary School also offer holiday club provision during each of the school holidays. Daily sessions run from 8.00am to 5.30pm. All children are required to bring a packed lunch and healthy snacks if attending holiday club. During holiday club, the children take part in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities including arts and crafts, cooking, music, story and role-play. Booking forms for holiday club are sent out to children before each of our school holidays. Children are dropped off and picked up from holiday club via the large black playground gate and Nursery outside area.

Holiday club currently costs £43.50 for a full day session or £33.50 for a half-day session.

We also offer early bird booking discount rates if sessions are booked by a particular date. Early bird rates are currently £41.00 for a full day session and £31.00 for a half-day session. 

Cambridge Kids Club

For children in Year 2 and above, please visit the Cambridge Kids Club website by clicking here.

Premier Education

Information for the Before School Multi Activity Club can be found on the flyer below.